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Flying with a Toddler and Infant

I don’t think I can avoid this any longer...

Is it just me or do you dread getting on a plane with a toddler? And an infant?

Maybe because I had my first during Covid and hardly ever went out. I think I got lucky where there was no pressure whatsoever to get her on a plane anytime soon.

But as of last week, she’s been saying, “Mummy, I want to go on an airplane”. *gasps*

Given that she is now 2 and a half years old and has not been on a plane, let alone a bus or train, (yeah, I know, I never said I was the world’s best mom) I think it’s time.

So we obviously need a passport. And the passport office is near my house, so that’s a good start. But lately, I hear everyone whining about how inefficient the system is post-Covid and the long queues and wait to receive their passport.

So with the changing processes, current feedback and uncertainty of what to expect, I decided to do some research before lugging two babies and bottles, diapers, snacks, bibs and all to the office. I hope this helps some other family If anything,

The MyGOV website states:

Applicants below 18 years old are required to bring along their Birth Certificate and have a parent or legal guardian present during collection at the Passport Recipient and Issuance Office.

So my question is…? (Followed by the answers I found from others online)

What about the photo for a 5-month-old who can’t sit on her own?

Answer: I’m still not sure about this one. Will update later once I find out.

Do we bring them into the office and apply physically or online only?

Answer: Bring baby to the office to apply.


Things to bring:

1. Baby’s original birth certificate

2. Mother / Father’s original MyKad (only one parent is required to be there)

3. RM100 (for 5 years validity)

4. Formula milk, diapers, wet wipes, bottles to last a few hours

5. Baby stroller so baby can sleep while we wait

The other things I gathered was to dress the kids in darker clothing, or maybe have a dark shawl ready for the infant for the photo taking session. Priority is given to infants, disabled and senior citizens. Oh goody!

  • Fill out a form. Wait for your number to be called.

  • Present baby’s birth cert, your IC and the form.

  • An officer will take a photo of baby, who will have to be held up by the parent and avoid being in the photo. (Good luck to me..)

  • They will call your number again and you will then pay the fee of RM100.

I guess it’s a waiting game after this point. I’m hoping this part has been improved and that they will allow us to come back once it is ready instead of sit there for hours.

We’ll have to present a parent’s MyKad, baby’s birth cert and the receipt ( this may not be necessary but always good to keep) and then we should get the passport.

I heard of someone who had to wait two weeks and it still wasn’t ready. Hopefully, that’s their bad karma or just horrible luck (the person isn't nice). I’m projecting positivity and scheduling this day in my calendar so that I can prepare myself mentally for it. Check the weather forecast and all.

Once this is done, all aboard. We’re ready for take-off.

Annual family holiday planning starts!


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