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Hey! So Glad You're Here.

It's been a real ride since 2020. Not just the pandemic although that was obviously huge - I also welcomed my first child. Yes, while we were locked indoors for a good year. I left my job as a corporate communications manager writing mainly about sustainability with a huge palm oil corporation so I could be at home and care for my newborn as we did not have help and daycares were closed. 


Now she is 2.5 years old and we have welcomed another beautiful girl who is five months at present. Life has somewhat gone back to normal post-pandemic and I'm still here figuring out motherhood, how to juggle two little ones as a SAHM, how to put tasty yet healthy food on the table for all the hungry tummies at home, ensure my babies have the best of everything, ensure my husband and I are still healthy and happy and I have my sanity intact.


I started this blog to have somewhere to write all the things that I could share about life, topics I wish I had easy access to as a young mum navigating daily life and of course to share the excitement and joy as well as the challenges and other hurdles we face and overcome in this crazy world that we live in.


This is my journey and I'm glad you are here.

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